Monday, March 24, 2014

Bold Burritos...and Nails

When it comes to my nails- it never seems to matter what brand-whether it's a $1.99 Wet and Wild Megablast or a $9 OPI polish- it chips within 48 hours (if not less)!! I will admit I am rough on my nails with daily activities like cleaning, scratching, and overall just being a normal human being! But, as a person who loves fresh set of glossy nails, there is nothing more frustrating.
BUT, my newest (and extremely life changing) discovery in the beauty world is the Orly Bonder rubberized basecoat nail polish! This base has a rubber adhesive that allows the nail polish to bond to the nail. It retails for $8.50, and you can pick it up at CVS, Walgreens, or Ulta.

This basecoat has revived my love for nail polish, and made me excited to use my new and old polishes.

With my first use of this product I used an Essie mint green shade.

I'm sorry for the bad quality photo, this was just a random shot I sent to my sister... because that's what we do in our free time :)
Anyways, this was day 1...
One week later, whilst enjoying my delicious Chipotle burrito (and yet again, another picture sent randomly sent to my sister)...
Like I said- I wasn't planning this blog post and didn't take appropriate photos, but you get the idea. It had barely any chips only along the top edge where I use/abuse my nails the most. For me, one week of solid color is a nail miracle, I've only had this happen when I've spent money on manicures. If your nail polish normally lasts that long, I could picture it making your polish last a solid 2 weeks. 

If you enjoy nail polish in the slightest, go get this product! I promise, you will NOT regret it!
I don't plan to ever let it go!!!!